miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

Bitcoin encourages piracy , according to RIAA

According to the record industry, the digital currency Bitcoin contributes to piracy.

The digital currency Bitcoin has received much attention lately, especially when the FBI closed the illegal market Silk Road , which operated precisely based on such digital payment method .

Because this coin is beyond the control of the authorities , enabling anonymous transactions , Bitcoin has been pressured and attempted regulation by governments. In the case of Germany, for example , the interest is not to eliminate Bitcoin as a payment system , but to tax with tax. A notorious investor , meanwhile , has recommended investing in Bitcoin .

The last contribution to the debate is that the record industry group has targeted the Bitcoin detractors . According to the site TorrentFreak , the RIAA American Association stated that the currency would favor digital music piracy . For this reason, recently delivered to U.S. authorities a list of the 10 most active piracy sites , one of which is The Pirate Bay.

According to RIAA , The Pirate Bay remains operational , despite the capture and prosecution of several of its leaders . The reason is , according to RIAA , that TPB has begun to receive donations through encrypted currency Bitcoin .

However, TorrentFreak has analyzed the TPB given destiny through Bitcoin donations , noting that the organization has donated much of the funds to third parties. In the list published by TPB in place , part of the donations in Bitcoin were provided for testing open source software TrueCrypt encryption .

According to TPB , the donations received are not managed by the operators of the site itself , but transferred to a fund administered by representatives of the Swedish Pirate Party , which donates the Bitcoin for other projects.

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